Tuesday, May 5, 2015


No matter what business you are in, consistency is paramount. Nothing is worse than an inconsistent delivery of service in an age where companies and organizations strive to be one step ahead of their competition. From the very second a new customer approaches your door, he or she is taking a chance on your business. They have expectations and you had better live up to them. That very first time they walk in and every single time after that will determine whether that customer will be loyal to your business. All it takes is one bad experience, one chance. If you cannot live up to your customers expectations and requirements consistently, there is a good chance your customers won't give you a second chance.

How can a business keep it consistent?

  1. It Starts at the Top - Upper management of an organization needs to be on message in every possible way in every single aspect of the company. With constant leadership and education, management will portray a level of consistency that can flow back and forth throughout a company, rather than a trickle down approach. 
  2. You're Never to Cool for School - Training is the only way to be sure that everyone in an organization is on the same page. Initial training for new staff is just as important as refreshers for your existing staff. Constant education and training of your staff will pay dividends in multiple ways since not only are your employees more engaged and can better sell your products or services but it also gives your employees a level of pride that a company is investing in them.
  3. Stick to the Script - Start with a comprehensive guide for your employees that details every aspect of the company including all aspects of the services and/or products you provide. Once there is a set plan and approach to the entirety of the business, employees can all sing from the same hymn sheet. Your customers will see that no matter who they deal with, no matter what day it is, no matter what the situation is that they will receive the same level of service time and time again. Make a S.O.P. and keep to it.
  4. Check the Scoreboard - Foolish people in business make assumptions instead of looking at the raw data. If you do not constantly measure the level of satisfaction of your customers, you never really know how your company is doing. By surveying your customers, you can get an accurate measurement of their level of satisfaction as well as their likelihood of darkening your door again. 

The Followup

The most important thing to keep in mind is : If your company delivers consistent services, your company will reap the rewards of consistent success.

Be part of the discussion.  Let me know what you think, what did I miss, how would you approach the idea of 'Consistency' differently.  Feel free to join the discussion, I really look forward to your input.

References & Sources


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